My poetry books "The Way of the Soul", "Light in the Darkness", "Spring of love", "Our life", "Love, faith, hope" and "I will wait" have been translated from my native Serbian into English.
Although all of my poems are about love, soul, life, and relationships they differ in their similarity. My poems put forward many questions about modern life. We are bound to search for answers, to look for the ways to overcome situations we sometimes find ourselves in, to make decisions. Most of the time this is not done quickly nor with ease.
Life, tasks that it assigns, people that I meet on the way, people that are present in my life as well as those that are not anymore, people that left a mark on my soul - they all constantly inspire me to write poems. I, my dear readers, give you my poems, hoping they will touch your hearts.
With love,
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- I can feel you
- If is fate, let it be
- You
- At exactly ten p.m.
- Wonderful day
- I get you
- Why am I dreaming of you?
- You are like family to me
- No Encounter Happens by Accident
- There is no one to blame
- People that awaken hearts
- While the tears were sleeping
- City lights | Light in the Darkness
- All of that is love! (mp4)
- Once everything will be over
- Spring of love
- Do not talk to me about that
- While you were sleeping
- I want to love so much (mp4)
- Once (mp4)
- At the crossroads
- The law of love - the law of heart